06.10. Körperkino: Embodied Cinema as the future of storytelling (English)

A didactic workshop about exploring Identity, Ignorance, and Collaboration in Narrative Creation.

With arjunraj

Date: Sunday, October 6, 2pm – 5pm 
Registration deadline: Wednesday, October 2
Target Group: For Beginners

Everyone is carrying a story to say. What is the weight of the stories you carry? This workshop will be an experience in making one feel and not only inform ideas on topics of embodiment, intergenerationality, liminality, decoloniality, queerfeminism and intersectionality. 

The framework will contain of watching films that open up the senses to these topics. Participants will then engage in interactive (and fun) games to better grasp the topics. The session will also have many exercises to reflect on the self and also share the reflections with other participants in reflexive sessions. Participants can expect to learn methods to tell their own story and methods to collaborate with someone to tell a story together with them.

The workshop is designed for general public with a certain focus on creators of stories, narratives, content vizualisators and others:

  • Students, professionals and individuals working with filmmaking, curation, content creation, journalism, art, anthropology, sociology, writing and related disciplines of humanities
  • Community leaders, public speakers actively addressing reducing social inequalities or engaged in civil pedagogy initiatives.

Trailer of the project: vimeo.com/944714647/fbd1b002f9

© Feli Umer

arjunraj is a filmmaker, pedagogist, visual storyteller and digital media producer. arjunraj is on a long-term journey understanding how bodies are read and counter read and its effect on our bodily belonging and the semiotics of the self. arjunraj’s current works are deeply rooted in fracturing the colonial psyche by queering it. With an education in visual anthropology and self-learnt filmmaker, arjunraj also works at the intersection of art and academia as a pedagogist who teaches, coaches and facilitates workshops for university students as well as storytellers practitioners to tell their own stories by finding mutuality in each other’s embodied narratives. 

More infos: https://www.arjunraj.me/

The Workshop will be held in English.

Date: Sunday, October 6 2024
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Registration deadline: Wednesday, October 2
Cost: Free for Filmwerkstatt members, all others 20,00 € contribution towards expenses
Participants amount: min. 4 participants / max. 15 participants
Place: Ateliers Hoppengarten, Münster

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