Total Thrash – The Teutonic Story

Documentary film about the history of “Thrash Metal” in Germany.

The documentary film “Total Thrash – The Teutonic Story” tells the story of the development of the musically and culturally influential genre “Thrash Metal” in Germany over a period of 40 years.

Production of the
Film agency Markeloop (Marsberg)/
Daniel Hofmann

It delves into the social and cultural world of some young people in the 80s and shows a generation that wanted to break out of the existing structures, be different and stand out. They found refuge in hard and fast music and in the role models of the time. The film shows the development of the scene genre “Thrash Metal” especially in Germany with regard to bands, organisers and fans and offers the viewer a journey through time in a total of three chapters right up to the present day.

The first steps in the 80s were rather difficult without money and musical ability – but the cohesion and the associated passion of the scene were unique. A diverse subculture emerged and concerts were organised throughout Germany. In the 90s, thrash metal became commercialised, the scene collapsed and bands disbanded. In 2001, a joint tour by the bands “Destruction”, “Sodom” and “Kreator” brought the scene back to its musical roots of the 1980s. New generations of thrash metal bands and an impressive fan culture that continues to this day emerged across Germany.

Total Thrash provides a cultural, musical and social insight into 40 years of music history. The film tells the story of bands, organisers and fans and shows an impressive fan culture that originated in the Ruhr area and still connects people across the country and internationally today.

The genesis of the film is closely linked to the Filmwerkstatt Münster. Director and Filmwerkstatt member Daniel Hofmann came up with his film idea and met cameraman Simon Büchting, a metal fan who enthusiastically offered his help. The Filmwerkstatt also supported the project with advice.