Teilhabe kennt kein Alter/Participation knows no age

How do older people with so-called intellectual disabilities experience and organise their everyday lives? The film team accompanies five senior citizens in their everyday lives.

In order to gain a first-hand insight into the reality of life for older people with disabilities, employees of the Institute for Participation Research at the KatHO NRW visited five senior citizens with a film team and accompanied them in their everyday lives. The result of this film project is now available!

A production of the Innovations-Lab Münster, in cooperation with the Institute for Participation Research of the Catholic University of Applied Sciences NRW (KatHO NRW) and the Filmwerkstatt Münster.

The film is a joint production of the

  • Social Innovation Transfer Network – s_inn(www.s-inn.net),
  • and the Filmwerkstatt Münster.

The film is aimed at people who (professionally) deal with older people with so-called intellectual disabilities. It is used as part of (online) training courses, specialist conferences and teaching events organised by the KatHO NRW and the Social Innovation Transfer Network – s_inn and can be viewed online at www.teilhabe-kennt-kein-alter.net .

The following versions are available: not barrier-free, with subtitles, with audio description.