How much Cuba Libre does it take to end the patriarchy? (working title)
The actress Judith is invited by the young aspiring director Ferdinand to shoot a film on the Atlantic coast of southern France. But even during the first attempts at filming, it becomes clear that Ferdinand’s perfectionist vision is difficult to realise. Over time, an invisible force begins to slowly dissolve the film, like Ferdinand’s nostalgically transfigured dream. What remains is a flood of images that increasingly lose their meaning. Judith is confronted with the invisible force and Ferdinand’s urge to control everything around her and rebels.
Production: Kollektiv des guten Willens
The Filmwerkstatt Münster supported the film project by providing technical equipment.
“Seascape” is a graduation film at the Kunstakademie Münster. Cinematographer Johannes Hölker shot the film with the Black Magic Ursa Mini from the Filmwerkstatt Münster.