Jump Cut – 30 Jahre Filmwerkstatt Münster/ 30 years of Filmwerkstatt Münster

“For me, Münster without Filmwerkstatt is as unimaginable as Münster without Münster.”
Dieter Matzka, director and cameraman

Anniversary reader with DVD for the 30th anniversary of the Filmwerkstatt Münster 1981 – 2011

With contributions from Lutz Mommartz, Robert Bramkamp, Andreas Fischer, Hanna Nordholt & Fritz Steingrobe, Herbert Schwering, Wenzel Storch, Rainer Komers, Jörn Hintzer, Marc Rensing, Jochen Kuhn, Oliver Baumgarten, Peter Sempel, Hans Gerhold, Peter Stockhaus and Peter Schamoni.

The reader contains a DVD with the documentary “30 years of Filmwerkstatt Münster” – with numerous contributions and film clips from the 30-year history of Filmwerkstatt production

The reader incl. DVD is available in the Filmwerkstatt Münster shop.