Flurstücke 2019: Zungenbrecher – Die Geste des Sprechens

In the video installation for “Flurstücke Münster 2019”, 50 Münster residents from different backgrounds recited a stop verse in their native language in front of the camera.

Münster, Babylon: A multitude of languages is alive in people – brought to light in the installation Zungenbrecher – Die Geste des Sprechens.

Flurstücke-Production of the Filmwerkstatt Münster | Production Management Katharina Siemeling

Frederike Koch and Christof Debler had 50 Münster residents from different backgrounds recite a stumbling verse – a tongue twister – in their native language in front of the camera, captured their skills and failures and edited them into a spoken word concert for three simultaneously running films.

The production was shown at the Flurstücke-Festival between 20 and 23 June 2019 on the meadow next to the Aaseekugeln.

Tongue twister – The gesture of speaking on Vimeo

The result sounds like an ingenious mixture of rap, mantra and poetry slam. And also proves what unites us all: nobody’s perfect….

Katharina Siemeling has taken over the production management.