Die Geschwindigkeit kommt einfach von alleine

A love of learning: documentation about Reggio projects in kindergartens.

The film was produced by the Filmwerkstatt Münster in collaboration with the Akademie Franz Hitze Haus and the University of Cologne.

A DVD of the film is available in the Filmwerkstatt Münster shop.

Münster, April 2008: An exhibition about Reggio projects in kindergartens attracts an unexpectedly large number of visitors. At the Franz Hitze Haus Catholic Academy, “Talking Walls” show how children learn with enthusiasm and how they familiarise themselves with the world.

The film shows how the child’s right to self-education is realised because children’s own forms of learning are enabled and respected. Children become enthusiastic explorers and discoverers when they can build on their own experiences in projects. The key to reggian project work lies in appreciative resonance with attentive perception and sensitive reaction on the part of the educator. Courageously wanting to find out and learn requires good relationships between the people who set out together.