Camilo – Der lange Weg zum Ungehorsam

Peter Lilienthals produced his documentary film in 2007 together with the Filmwerkstatt Münster.

In his documentary film, director Peter Lilienthal portrays Camilo Meija, one of the most prominent American conscientious objectors, and the Mexican Fernando Suarez, whose son died in Iraq.


steelecht gmbH (Offenbach am Main), Filmwerkstatt Münster
Triangle 7 (Brussels)

After returning from a six-month deployment in Iraq, Meija resigned from the US Army. The second central character in the film is the Mexican Fernando Suarez. He lost his son, who was just 19 years old, in Iraq, killed by an American army mine. Through the complex portraits of these two men, Lilienthal attempts to explore questions such as who (also) are the victims in wars and what motivates young people to volunteer to serve in the armed forces.

The film also questions the US army’s recruitment methods and shows the exploitation of unsuspecting young Hispanics hoping for a better life in the USA. Lilienthal chooses the two complex characters Camilo and Fernando, who have both undergone a similar transformation. In their desire to lead an adapted life in their adopted country, the USA, they both become accomplices to violence. But their transformation into active opponents of the war cannot conceal their feelings of guilt.
