Discover unheard places – under this motto, HörSpielLab Münster and Filmwerkstatt Münster invite you to explore the places in your own neighbourhood and give them a voice with the help of the mini-audio play format. Mini radio plays can be used to experiment with innovative narrative techniques or to explore places: From non-linear storylines and fragmented narratives to interactive elements or collages, there are many ways to explore this radio play genre.
To this end, HörSpielLab Münster is looking for people who want to use audio drama to explore the unheard-of places in their neighbourhood. You don’t need any previous experience to embark on this journey, just a willingness to learn, an interest in working with audio and a desire to engage with places in your own neighbourhood. Everything you need beyond that will be provided during an intensive workshop weekend in June (28/29/30 June).
So get involved and apply by 15 May and join us at the HörSpielLabor to make the moor resound, old walls whisper or an ice cream parlour buzz. A special highlight: the finished plays will be presented to the general public. In September, the “Hörspiel auf Wanderschaft” go on tour through the city.
Application and further information: HörSpielLab (
Application form:
HörSpielLab Münster is a joint programme of Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V., Cuba cultur, medienforum münster e.V. and Radio Q. It is funded by the Münster Cultural Office, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the LWL and Soziokultur NRW.