Flurstücke-Festival 2024 on Vimeo
The Filmwerkstatt Münster has produced three documentaries for the Flurstücke Festival 2024. They can be seen on Vimeo.
The Filmwerkstatt Münster has produced three documentaries for the Flurstücke Festival 2024. They can be seen on Vimeo.
The film by Filmwerkstatt-member Peter Csaba can be seen at CUBA, Achtermannstraße, on 24 January.
Two short film productions were selected for funding in the second pitching session at the Litfilms Festival 2024
An obituary in the issue of the magazine “Graswurzelrevolution” No. 490 remembers the director Peter Lilienthal, who died in Munich in April 2023 at the age of 95.
Nina Romming and Thomas Küper filmed “Disposable” in Münster in August 2024.
From 27 to 30 June 2024, the international festival for theatre, dance, performance and art FLURSTÜCKE took place in the city of Münster.
Apply by 15 May! Discover unheard places: The HörSpielLab Münster wants to make Münster audible!