Since 1981, Filmwerkstatt Münster has been active and well-known as a regional centre for film in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond. The team and the members of the Filmwerkstatt Münster association – filmmakers, producers and film enthusiasts – as well as a large number of freelancers now provide a wide range of services in the entire field of filmmaking: film production, seminars, the Filmfestival Münster, individual media and film projects and the filmclub münster are ongoing focal points of the Filmwerkstatt’s work.

The association:

Filmgruppe Münster e.V. has acted as the sponsor of the Filmwerkstatt Münster since 1981 and was entered in the register of associations at Münster District Court on 18 May 1981 under the registration number VR 2441. The association was renamed in October 2020 and is now called Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V.

Executive Board: Lejla Aliev, Nina Romming, Jan Enste, Stefan Kreis, Winfried Bettmer

The Filmwerkstatt is a member of:

As a member of the Netzwerk Filmkultur NRW initiative, the association of film workshops, film houses and film festivals in NRW, the Filmwerkstatt is committed to presenting the medium of film in its diverse cultural forms to a broad public.
The Filmkultur NRW network pools the interests of the individual cultural organisations (associations) and represents them in all (cultural) political matters at state level.

As part of the Berlinale 2024, Filmwerkstatt Münster was accepted into the Screen Talent Europe network. Screen Talent Europe is currently supported by 18 film culture institutions from 8 countries (as of 2024) throughout Europe. The aim of the network is to strengthen cooperation between European film workshops and media centres. The network offers emerging filmmakers new opportunities to share knowledge, experiences and projects with each other.

Over 150 municipal, student and non-commercial cinemas as well as film culture initiatives and institutions are members of the Bundesverband kommunale Filmarbeit e.V. (Federal Association of Municipal Film Work). They form a network of film culture that cultivates the genres of feature films, short films, experimental films and documentaries in equal measure.

Founded in 2013, the moNOkultur initiative regards itself as an organisation representing the interests of Münster’s “independent cultural scene”. This includes all of the artists, ensembles, institutions and structures in Münster that produce independently in the fields of dance, theatre, music, performance, visual arts, film, new media, literature and architecture, as well as all interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary works.

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kurzfilm – Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm (short: AG Kurzfilm) represents the interests of all those working in the field of short film. It has been in existence since 2002 and is a point of contact for politicians and the film industry as well as a service provider for short film makers, film festivals and film theatres.

The Kulturrat NRW is a state-wide independent association of over one hundred organisations in the seven sections of music, dance, theatre, film/media, literature, visual arts and interdisciplinary culture/social culture.

Filmwerkstatt Münster receives funding from: