We offer film and video equipment, microphones, lighting and accessories for hire and are happy to advise you on putting together suitable sets.
Tech rental (appointment and contact)
Monday and Thursday, 12:30 – 17:00
and by arrangement with David Nacke via e-mail to
All information refers to daily rental prices including statutory VAT.
Members of Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V. receive a 50% discount on the rental prices. Pupils, students and pensioners receive a 25% discount. Project-related loans are also possible after consultation and authorisation.
We offer computer workstations with various editing programmes – please enquire by e-mail: verleih@filmwerkstatt-muenster.de
Here you can find the general rental conditions of the Filmwerkstatt Münster: Technik Verleih Konditionen.pdf
If you have any questions, simply send an e-mail to
David Nacke
Steffi Köhler